CRONIAN, the brainchild of BORKNAGAR mastermind Øystein G. Brun and Vintersorg is premiering a new track from their forthcoming album, ‘Erathems’. “Chemical Dawn” is now streaming on the following websites:
VS-Webzine (FR)
Rockoverdose (GR)
Rockerilla (IT)
Pyro NRK (NO)
Loud (PT)
Zero Tolerance (UK)
‘Erathems’ will be released on November 8th (November 12th in North America) via the Season of Mist Underground Activists division. The album is available for pre-order at the Season of Mist e-shop.
Regarding their recent signing, CRONIAN announced: ‘We have just finished up the third album and I don’t even slightly blush when arguing out loud that it is the very pinnacle of my fairly long musical career,’ Øystein comments. ‘Musically and production-wise, it almost feels like a leap up and into another division. Mr. V and I have been working intensely and fully isolated over the last six months with this bastard of an album and we firmly regard this as our most catchy, aggressive, atmospheric and darken flavored effort to date. I am pretty sure this album will blow the socks off of all those who liked our previous releases, as well as fans of BORKNAGAR, VINTERSORG and likewise… Cheers!’
‘A new album has left our “systems” and is now finding its path throughout the world’, adds Vintersorg. ‘It has surely been a great journey to write, record and complete this third album in the CRONIAN chronicle. The music finally matches our vision is and it’s been an intense period for me and Øystein to really get there…Even if the music has been taking its path out of our bodies, it is still lingering in our minds… It’s stuck… And it feels just great. We’re so proud of this album and it’s just a pleasure to be reminded all the time of what a trip this has been.’
View Cronian