HELGA Spin a Haunting Tale on New Single
Posted on September 28, 2023
More information about Wrapped in Mist
Summoning a plethora of layers and genre, HELGA culminate their premier album ‘Wrapped in Mist’ into dirgeful lamentations of mortality and mental health, punctuated by formidable drums, spectral strings and chugging riffs. The album’s first single, ‘Skogen mumlar’ (The Forest Murmurs), transcends forthwith into emotive dreamscapes that leave hairs trembling on goose-pimpled skin. Ennio Morricone echoing as the intro’s muse.
“I’ve always had a fascination with Swedish folklore,” says vocalist Helga Gabriel. “This song is about the forest-dwelling beings from those stories of old.”
Watch the haunting video for ‘Skogen mumlar’.
‘Wrapped in Mist’ comes out November 24.
Pre-save: https://orcd.co/wrappedinmistpresave
Pre-order: https://redirect.season-of-mist.com/HelgaWrappedInMist