Black metal cult ARCKANUM are streaming their forthcoming record, ‘Fenris Kindir’ (out now everywhere in the world) in its entirety. Check it out at the following locations:
In the UK, ‘Fenris Kindir’ is streaming on Terrorizer
In Finland, Inferno is streaming it here
Sweden Rock has it here
Germany’s’s link is here
Loud (Portugal) is here
Imhotep (Norway) is here
You can also listen to the album on Bandcamp
Regarding the new album, ARCKANUM mastermind Shamaatae said: “This album is a dedication to the flaming giant-wolf, son of Loki; created from the Chaos-fires of Múspellsheimr. It is a tribute to the wrathful giant-wolf, son of Angrboða, found in the Ironwood where he is breeding hordes of giant monstrous wolves with Angrboða. His victorious name is Fenrir, also called Tungls Tjúgari! Hail Fenrir!”
Shamaatae continues: “The sounds and music on this album are my auditory vision of the march of Fenrir convoyed with his hordes of giant wolves from the depths of the underworld to face Ragna Rök with warlike glory – deformed giant-wolves swarming in thousands. This is my tribute to the wrathful, harsh and untamed anti-nature of Fenrir’s mighty essence! The anti-cosmic enemy of the worlds! Heill Tungls Tjúgari! Heilir Fenris Synir!”
The LP editions include a cover version of NECROMANTIA’s classic “Lycanthropia” as bonus track and are available in different colours. All formats, as well as merch items and CD+shirt bundles, can be purchased from Season of Mist’s e-shop.
View Arckanum