After writhing out from Baltimore’s underground with their gravity-defying debut for Season of Mist, this year, Wormhole are powering up before they hit the next level.
Wormhole News
After fine-tuning their signature tech-slam combo for the better part of a decade, last year, Wormhole came writhing out of the Baltimore underground with their third album, Almost Human.
Wormhole emerged from the underground this year with Almost Human, their first album for Season of Mist.
WORMHOLE are rising up from the underground. When they’re not blasting aliens in Metroid, the band have been fine-tuning their signature combo of brutal slam and technical death metal both in and outside of Baltimore. With ‘Almost Human’, they’re proving that there is no ceiling they can’t tech-slam through.
Wormhole have hit the next level on their debut album for Season of Mist.
WORMHOLE warp brutal riffs and screeching dissonance into a signature tech-slam combo. So it’s no surprise that the Baltimore band are huge gamers. Their new album ‘Almost Human’ was inspired by stomping fools at Metroid and Doom as much as headbanging to Artificial Brain and Dysrhythmia.
WORMHOLE are tech-slamming their way across the U.S. while out on tour with NecroticGoreBeast, Cognitive and Analepsy. The Baltimore band have been giving crowds a taste of their new album ‘Almost Human’, including the glitchy, devastating lead single “System Erase”. Today, they’re premiering the album’s second single with Death Metal Supply. Watch the official music video HERE.
Wormhole are emerging from Baltimore’s underground with a new album. ‘Almost Human’ takes the band’s homemade tech slam to the next level. Riffs screech with more eerie, alien dissonance, while the rhythm section barrels and flips like Samus in her morph ball. They’ve also added new vocalist Julian Kersey, who grunts like a cyber demon on lead single “System Erase”.
WORMHOLE play by their own rules. When they’re not schooling fools at Nintendo or throwing on the odd Saturday morning cartoon, the band are out scrambling brains with a homemade combo slam of brutal, technical death metal. Or, as they call it, tech slam. For the past eight years, they’ve been fine-tuning their signature moves both in and outside of Baltimore. Now, with ‘Almost Human’, they’re ready to erupt from the underground.
Baltimore tech death outfit Wormhole will be embarking on a North American tour as support for SHADOW OF INTENT along with INFERI and ENTERPRISE EARTH. The trek kicks off tomorrow, October 5 in Montreal, QC and will conclude on November 4 in Hartford, CT. The full itinerary can be found below!
Baltimore tech death outfit WORMHOLE will be embarking on a North American tour this fall as support for SHADOW OF INTENT along with INFERI and ENTERPRISE EARTH. The trek kicks off on October 5 in Montreal, QC and will conclude on November 4 in Hartford, CT. The full itinerary can be found below along with ticket links!
Season of Mist are proud to announce the signing of WORMHOLE, the tech slam movement from Baltimore – Maryland USA! Consisting of five members Julian Kersey, Sanil & Sanjay Kumar, Basil Chiasson and Matt Tillett, the band is gearing up for their debut release via Season of Mist.